
Memoires des camps
Memoires des camps

memoires des camps memoires des camps

Waddington spent six months hiding with asylum seekers in the area surrounding the Red Cross refugee camp at Sangatte in northern France. By building on Didi-Huberman’s discussion of images and the spectatorial gaze, this essay will consider Laura Waddington’s 2002 documentary film Border. This essay will argue that disruptions to traditional modes of spectatorship shift the terms of viewing from suspicion to ethical participation. In his book Images in Spite of All, French art historian Georges Didi-Huberman questions the tradition of suspicion and denigration governing visual representations of the Holocaust, arguing we have abdicated our ethical obligation to try to imagine. Images are simply withdrawn from circulation with the aim of eliminating their visibility. At the other end of the spectrum, contemporary iconophobia may be more subtle. At its most radical, iconophobia results in an act of iconoclasm, or the total destruction of the image. If iconophobia is defined as the suspicion and anxiety towards the power exerted by images, its history is an ancient one in all of its Platonic, Christian, and Judaic forms.

Memoires des camps